Sunday, January 20, 2013

Insomnia fun

Liam is having a really fun insomnia episode... 3 hours and counting.  Times like this, I just feel so incredibly lucky to have Jay as a co-parent and husband.  We have a sanity-system totally worked out - 20min on, 20min off, with a manic, bouncing, unsleeping child.  WHAT.  The.  Heck.  Go. To. Sleep.  And... wondering where the sense of humour and roll-with-it has come from?  Maybe because the insomnia doesn't happen nearly as often anymore?  Maybe I've -gasp- grown as a person?  Developed all that extra patience that parents claim they learn from their kids?  Or have I attained enlightenment (at least at this moment) and can just live here at this tiny hiccup of time?